Simple Tricks For Staying Centered On The Road
It’s a truth every frequent flyer knows: even the highest of travel highs can wear off sometimes. No matter how passionate you are about globetrotting, life on the road can take a toll on your wellbeing. Here’s how to stay centered on your travels no matter where the journey takes you.
Create grounding rituals.
If you have a go-to morning routine at home, see if you can mimic it on the road with your favorite morning stretches, journal prompts, or anything else that gets you going. If you’re craving a nighttime unwinding ritual to shake off the day’s events, you can create that with essential oils, a mindfulness practice, or a favorite book. It doesn’t matter so much what your routine looks like, what matters is that you have one. The key is to offer yourself a sense of consistency so you can find your center anywhere in the world.
Practice walking meditation.
This is a good method for combining mindfulness and exploring in a new destination. Set out on a walk through the neighborhood you’re staying in or a nearby park, and leave the earbuds back at your hotel. Instead, focus on the sights, smells, and sounds of your new surroundings. Use your breath to ground you, and fully feel each step that you take. If you’re pressed for time, you can even do this on your way to a meeting. (We guarantee you’ll be the most zen person in the room when you get there.)
Bring a piece of home.
Get into the habit of packing a little something that always makes you happy back home. It could be tea bags of your favorite chamomile blend that you can’t find on the road, a treasured silk pillowcase, a favorite candle to burn in your Airbnb - the sky’s the limit. Seriously, we even know people who travel the world with healing crystals the size of their heads! Whatever floats your boat.
Talk to strangers.
With the caveat that safety is always #1 (but you already knew that right?), don’t be afraid to chat up the locals in your new destination. If you’re lost, ask for help. (Seriously, most people love to help.) If you think someone’s shirt is totally rad, tell them. More often than not, you’ll be met with kindness. There are good people everywhere you go, and it never hurts to be reminded of that. You might make a new friend, but even if you just share a few kind words, you’ll suddenly feel a whole lot less isolated in your new surroundings.
Stop and take a deep breath.
Corny but true: wherever you go, your breath will always be with you. It might sound like the musings of a freshman poetry major, but in times of overwhelm, it can be of great comfort. If you’re about to lose your mind in that crowded airport or high-pressure meeting, pause for a few deep breaths. Anywhere in the world, you will always have this option, and it’s the fastest way to find your center.
Prioritize your sleep.
When you’re in a new place and under stress, sleep is the thread that holds your sanity together. Getting proper rest is usually the one thing keeping you from feeling anxious, lonely, and worn down as you navigate an unfamiliar place. So make sure you prioritize it! You know the drill: turn off your glowing screens one hour before bed, curb caffeine after 3 p.m., and try reading in bed if you can’t drift off. Those ultra luxe hotel sheets are calling your name, so go enjoy them.